by Thorsten on December 16, 2005.
Tagged as: Lunches.
Inspired by the discussion on comonads we had two weeks ago I gave a little tutorial on monads and comonads which was finished off by Neil.
A standard example for monads are arising from substitution: Consider a the set of terms given by an endofunctor
. Terms over a given set of variables can be encoded as
and this gives rise to a monad, where
embedding variables into terms and
corresponds to applying a substitution given by
Dually, we construct a comonad which corresponds to infinite terms with labels, the counit
returns the top-level label and
relabels a tree according to a relabelling function
. The example of streams which inspired this little tutorial is an instance of this, if we choose
, i.e. the identity functor, since
Neil explained that the monad is the free monad over
, i.e. this is given by applying the left adjoint of the forgetful functor from the category of monads to the category of endofunctors, dually
is the cofree comonad. Neil and his student Fed also investigated the monad
which is the fully iterative monad over
. However, it seems that its dual
has not yet attracted much attention.