Nottingham FP Lab Blog

Zippity doo daa

by Graham on January 13, 2006.
Tagged as: Lunches.

The zipper is a useful data structure for navigating around tree-like structures in an efficient manner. I gave an introduction to the zipper, by starting with a simple type of trees

 \small{ > data Tree = Leaf | Node Tree Int Tree }
and then showing how to arrive at the following definitions:

 \small > type State = (Context, Tree) > > data Context = Top > | NodeL Context Int Tree > | NodeR Tree Int Context > > start :: Tree -> State > start t = (Top, t) > > > left :: State -> State > left (c, Node l n r) = (NodeL c n r, l) > > right :: State -> State > right (c, Node l n r) = (NodeR l n c, r) > > up :: State -> State > up (NodeL c n r, l) = (c, Node l n r) > up (NodeR l n c, r) = (c, Node l n r)

Conor then explained the connection with differentiation, and also showed how to use the zipper to write an efficienct function that returns the mirror image of a tree. The lunch concluded with Nicolas Oury, who is visiting from France, explaining some of his work on simplifying the use of pattern matching in the Coq system.

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