Nottingham FP Lab Blog

Is purity inefficient?

by Nils Anders Danielsson on October 17, 2008.
Tagged as: Lunches.

Last week we discussed whether pure languages are inherently less efficient than impure ones, and if that is an interesting question to ask.

In Pure versus impure Lisp Pippenger showed that, under certain assumptions, pure Lisp can be strictly less efficient than impure Lisp. However, as noted by Pippenger, his result assumes certain operational semantics for the two languages. The result was later shown to be inapplicable to a lazy pure language (using call-by-need) by Bird, Jones and de Moor.

So, what if we change the operational semantics? By using a smart (impure) implementation of functional (pure) references, due to Baker, one can ensure that, as long as the references are used single-threadedly, all accesses and updates take constant time. (See Section 2.3.1 of A Persistent Union-Find Data Structure for an explanation of Baker’s idea.) Furthermore the heap of a sequential, impure program (with a standard semantics) is always used single-threadedly. Hence, if we incorporate Baker’s idea into the operational semantics of a pure language, then impure sequential programs can always be translated into equivalent pure ones, which execute with only a constant overhead in time.

However, this translation does not really give us much; understanding the translated program is no easier than understanding the original one, for instance. The question I am really interested in is to what degree programs written in a pure (functional) style are less efficient than those which use an impure style. Unfortunately this question seems hard to formulate in a good way, because “pure style” and “impure style” are rather subjective notions. Furthermore one still has the problem of choosing suitable operational semantics. Finally, as pointed out by Thorsten Altenkirch, a programming language can support semantics-preserving program annotations which the programmer can use to guide the compiler; this in effect enables tweaking the operational semantics on a case-by-case basis.

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