by Nils Anders Danielsson on January 9, 2009.
Tagged as: Lunches.
Consider the following simple language, represented as a coinductive data type in Agda:
codata Expr : Set where
nop : Expr → Expr
send : Msg → Expr → Expr
An expression is an infinite sequence of no-ops and send instructions. Assume now that we want to index the Expr
type on exactly the messages being sent. One might believe that the following definition is OK:
codata Expr : Colist Msg → Set where
nop : ∀ {ms} → Expr ms → Expr ms
send : ∀ {ms ms′} (m : Msg) → Expr ms → ms′ ≈ m ∷ ms → Expr ms′
However, this definition has a problem; it does not actually enforce that all the messages in the index are being sent, as demonstrated by the expression incorrect
incorrect : ∀ {ms} → Expr ms
incorrect ~ nop incorrect
In the meeting today we discussed various ways to address this problem.
(You may wonder why send
is not given the type
∀ {ms} (m : Msg) → Expr ms → Expr (m ∷ ms).
The reason is that this can make it harder to construct values in the Expr
family; the coinductive equality _≈_
is stronger than Agda’s built-in one.)